
David Moya

With this name and surname me I present As a singer as an author, as a teacher as a music therapist . Father and son, eternal learner in this living But it’s specifically as a singer-songwriter that you find me here. 6 discs on the back and a seventh under the arm. [/ Ut_header] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]

I sing to fill the chest with air and return it to the atmosphere full of emotions, vital and truthful stories. I write to know me, guess me or intuit me. I act so that you understand me, so that we connect and discover that we have much in common . That our solitudes can keep company.

So, welcome or welcome. If you got here, stop. Breathe Listen out. Because in this house the slow time of things reigns. I invite you to look at the world through my eyes, to walk slowly on the paths of the human. I encourage you to go through my hand every little dark corner of you and to inhabit it with the dim light of your feelings that, somehow, are also mine.

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[Ut_parallax_quote quote_linebreak_tablet = «on» quote_linebreak_mobile = «on» cite_custom_border = «yes» quote_font_source = «Google» quote_google_fonts = «FONT_FAMILY: Raleway% 3A100% 2C100italic% 2C200% 2C200italic% 2C300% 2C300italic% 2Cregular% 2Citalic% 2C500% 2C500italic% 2C600% 2C600italic% 2C700% 2C700italic% 2C800% 2C800italic% 2C900% 2C900italic | font_style: 700% 20bold% 20italic% 3A700% 3Aitalic «quote_font_size =» 30 «quote_letter_spacing =» – 0.0 » «font_family: Poppins% 3A100% 2C100italic% 2C200% 2C200italic% 2C300% 2C300italic% 2Cregular% 2Citalic% 2C500% 2C500italic% 2C600% 2C600italic% 2C700% 2C700italic% 2C800% 2C00italic% 2C900% 2C900% 2Coral% 2C9% % 3Anormal «cite_font_size =» 12 «cite_letter_spacing = «0.05» cite_font_weight = «» revealfx = «on» cite = «David Moya – The slow time of things, 2019» quote_color = «# ffffff» cite_color = «rgba (255,255,255,0.7)» quote_ins_color = «# ffbf00 «cite_border_color =» rgba (255,255,255,0.1) «] That maybe I’m crazy, because the sirocco hit me, because I’m from the sea, like the wind, like dust, like everything that has to happen [/ ut_parallax_quote] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row] [/ vc_section]
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My Albúms

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Sueñografía (2003)
Volteretas (2006)
Reb-velado (2008)
Negativos latentes (2009)
5MDHS (2011)
Las Horas Invisibles (2013)
El tiempo lento de las cosas (2020)
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